Quinnipiac University

Office of the Provost

Academic Affairs Division

Dozens of people walk around the Mount Carmel Campus Quad

Office of the Provost

Academic Affairs Division

The Office of the Provost houses a multitude of offices and departments that drive us toward academic excellence. Explore essential information about our Academic Affairs Division, including their missions, leadership and impact on our academic community. 

Our Offices and Departments

The Office of Academic Resource Planning and Analysis provides accurate, timely and high-quality analysis and support to decision-makers across the academic division. 

The Office connects the overall institutional strategy and the academic units to multi-year planning, annual operating and capital budgets. It supports and oversees the implementation of these strategic initiatives while managing the multi-year plan, financial modeling and annual target-setting processes for the academic division. 

To enhance decision-making support, the Office develops a set of analytical resources, reports and methodologies across the academic division and conducts special financial analysis for academic leadership. 

The Office of Academic Innovation and Effectiveness contributes to Quinnipiac University’s student-focused academic excellence and extraordinary student experiences by empowering students as learners, facilitating and supporting curricular innovation and academic strategic projects, and demonstrating the effectiveness of a Quinnipiac education by means of data analysis and dissemination. Units and programs that are associated with the Office of Academic Innovation and Effectiveness include Academic Assessment & Research, Academic Integrity, First-Year Seminar, Honors Program and the Learning Commons. The Office’s responsibilities also include part-time faculty affairs and matters of academic accreditation, compliance and policies.

Led by the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Development, the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) is a cross-teams unit advancing learning, engagement and scholarship at Quinnipiac. Currently, OFA includes the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs; the Central European Institute; the Albert Schweitzer Institute; the libraries, including the  Arnold Bernhard Library, the Frank H. Netter Medical Library, and the Lynne L. Pantalena Law Library.  The office works closely with Quinnipiac Innovations in Learning & Teaching (QILT). 

The Office champions faculty scholarship, teaching and overall achievement by designing the New Faculty Academy; administering the sabbatical leave program; curating innovative curricular, co-curricular and experiential collaborations; overseeing the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure process; and leading investments in the full range of faculty success. Members of the team partner across the university in support of OFA’s mission to empower, elevate and expand faculty excellence. 

The Office of Lifelong Learning provides resources and programming in support of all learners throughout their lifetime. In practice, lifelong learning oversees Quinnipiac offerings in the areas oexecutive and continuing education, professional workforce development/corporate education, industry certification, upskilling and pre-college youth experiences. The Office of Lifelong Learning evolves to meet the changing needs of society and Quinnipiac, and the scope of responsibilities continues to shift in alignment with university strategic goals.

Learn more about the Office of Lifelong Learning

Contact the Office of Lifelong Learning

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) is committed to supporting faculty and staff across Quinnipiac University to develop active lines of scholarly inquiry and practice. It is committed to the vision of Quinnipiac faculty as "teacher-scholars" and to contributing to the mission of the university by creating the conditions in which faculty and staff are empowered to pursue their chosen modes and subjects of inquiry. 

OSRP provides highly-customized support for faculty and staff interested in pursuing grants or contracts to support their research, scholarship or initiatives. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs also provides resources and guidance for students interested in applying for the Marshall, Rhodes, Schwarzmann, Soros or Truman scholarships.

Learn more about the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

The Office of Student Personal and Professional Development encompasses the Office of Career Development and Experiential Learning and Global Engagement. The Office bolsters university-wide collaboration with the goal of providing the holistic delivery of key university functions and developmental opportunities that support students in their journey toward rewarding lives and careers.  

The Office works closely with faculty and school-based staff, The Learning Commons, the Office of Inclusive Excellence and Student Affairs to strengthen intentional student touch-points and to encourageopen communication to make it easier for students to seek help when they need it and to make informed choices about their personal, academic and career options. 

 Since 2021, the Office has been working closely with Facilities and Capital Projects regarding the new South Quad project which will support student learning and social development while providing faculty state-of-the-art facilities for research, advanced pedagogy and immersive learning approaches that model future careers for students. From pragmatic skill building including resume and interviewing workshops to internships and career advising tailored to student goals, wellness and values, the Office of Student Personal and Professional Development supports the integration of all areas of student learning and success. 

Quinnipiac Innovations in Learning and Teaching (QILT) is the outcome of the integration of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the Office of Learning Design and Technology (LDT) in academic affairs at Quinnipiac. They are an educational excellence center that aims to improve teaching and learning across all formats: online, in-person, and hybrid. They collaborate with faculty members from all nine schools and colleges, assisting a diverse range of departments and programs in enhancing their instructional practices and enriching student learning experiences. 

In support of creating a dynamic and supportive community for Quinnipiac educators, the unit also includes faculty initiatives such as the Quinnipiac University Writing and Critical Thinking (QUWACT) programInclusive Excellence in Teaching Lab (IETL) and the contributions of faculty fellows in academic affairs. These initiatives promote excellence and foster an academic environment that values collaboration, sharing of best practices and continual improvement. 

Learn more about Quinnipiac Innovations in Learning and Teaching

Visit the Quinnipiac Innovations in Learning and Teaching Microsite

Contact Quinnipiac Innovations in Learning and Teaching

Explore the Office of the Provost

Senior Leadership Team

These senior administrators oversee the day-to-day and strategic operations of the Office of the Provost. Each leader plays a pivotal role in shaping our institution's academic vision and ensuring the success of our students, faculty and institution. 

Meet the Senior Leadership Team


Faculty Resources

We equip our faculty and staff with the resources they need to thrive in their academic role at Quinnipiac. Access key information including promotion and tenure policies, assistance with curriculum development, opportunities for funded research and other guides and handbooks. 

Access Resources for Faculty and Staff